威斯人所有官方网站学术讲座——Steven Dellaportas教授

发布者:殳妮   发布时间:2023-05-10   浏览次数:10

威斯人所有官方网站学术讲座——Steven Dellaportas教授

报告题目Publishing Tips & Pitfalls: Insights from an Editor

报告时间2023522日(星期一)下午1.30 pm – 3.00 pm


主讲人Professor Steven Dellaportas


Aimed at PhD candidates and early career researchers, the purpose of this presentation is to outline the common pitfalls and author-mishaps that lead reviewers and the editor to recommend that your paper be rejected from the journal – on my many occasions, without review. Whilst the particular circumstances that give rise to a rejection after review, are typically linked to methodological errors, or a flaw in the research design, this presentation will focus on the point at which papers have been submitted to a journal but are desk rejected (or rejected after first review). You will come to learn why papers submitted to journals fail to convince editor or reviewers as to why your paper should move to the next stage in the review process.


Steven Dellaportas现任西安交通利物浦大学会计系教授,在会计领域的教学、科研与实务经验长达30年。他曾在多所澳大利亚的大学任职,并在亚洲和欧洲的大学担任访问学者且多次受邀演讲。Steven Dellaportas教授的主要研究领域包括会计职业道德和会计教育。其他研究兴趣包括:道德准则、欺诈、职业精神和道德教育。Steven Dellaportas教授曾在澳大利亚诸多大学会计学院担任院长、系主任及副主任等长期领导职务。他还积极与澳大利亚注册会计师协会 (CPA Australia) 等专业机构合作,是CPA相关专业发展项目的内容开发者;也是多个期刊编辑委员会的成员,目前担任权威期刊Journal of Business Ethics (FT50) 会计部联合主编。此外,他曾在国际期刊上发表论文数篇,同时也是两本教科书的主要作者。
